Plasma Properties of Electric Arc Discharge Burning Between Cu-W Composites Electrodes


  • A. Veklich Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska str., 64/13, 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • M. Bartlova Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology, Antonínská 548/1, 601 90, Brno Czech Republic
  • V. Boretskij Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska str., 64/13, 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. Murmantsev Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska str., 64/13, 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • V. Ninyovskij Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska str., 64/13, 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. Ivanisk Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska str., 64/13, 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine



plasma properties, arc dicharge, optical emission spectroscopy, composite materials


Plasma of electric arc discharge burning between different types of composite Cu-W electrodes was investigated. Electrodes manufactured of Cu-W composite materials (30/70% by mass) by shock sintering technology at temperatures of 750, 850, 950, and 1050°C were used. Optical emission spectroscopy techniques were applied to determine the main plasma parameters. Specifically, the side-on spectra of plasma emission were registered using a space-resolved spectrograph with a CMOS camera as a sensor device. The plasma thermodynamics properties were calculated based on the equilibrium plasma composition, which was determined using experimentally obtained radial distributions of temperatures and atom concentrations of the metals.


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