
  • A. Harry Solo
  • P. Freton
  • J.-J. Gonzalez
  • M. Benmouffok Laplace, UMR 5213 CNRS-UPS-INP, Université Paul Sabatier 118 route de Narbonne, bat3R2, 31062 Toulouse Cedex




kinetic, 0D model, constant pressure, constant mass density, chemical composition, SF6.


This work is related to the chemical kinetics modelling of plasma during extinction. A zero-dimensional model (0D) has been developed. Two hypotheses were used: (A) a constant pressure or (B) a constant mass density. Three initial data categories are generally required for the model: (1) the chemical reactions that govern the kinetic scheme, (2) the chemical composition at the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and (3) a law of temperature decay as a function of time representing the cooling rate. The developed model is presented and applied to SF6, gas commonly used in high voltage circuit breakers (HVCB), in order to be validated. We present the evolution of the species during the temperature decay for several cooling rates. The results give the evolution of species densities and the departures from equilibrium according to the cooling rate. Consideration of SFx molecules is essential in order to avoid erroneous interpretations.


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