GvSIG in the academic education of heterogeneous target groups – experiences in lectures, exercises and eLearning


  • Wolfgang Dorner Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dorner, Professor for Geomatics and Information Technology, University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf
  • Jörg Scheffer Dr. Jörg Scheffer, lecturer, Chair of Geography University Passau
  • Roland Zink Research fellow, Chair of Geography University Passau




gvSIG, eLearning, online-teaching, blended learning


Thanks to easier operability and a growing range of functions, open source products are increasingly being used in teaching GIS to students of various course programs. The elaboration of such courses poses the challenge of taking into account different study paths, allowing for student autonomy (e-learning), and choosing the right software. The article suggests answers to these questions by presenting the classes offered at the University of Applied Sciences in Deggendorf and the University of Passau since winter 2010/11 as well as ideas for future course offers.


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