Understanding intrinsic stress effects on vibrational response of silicon nanowires


  • Sina Zare Pakzad Koç University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey; Technische Universität Wien, Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, Gusshausstrasse 27-29, 1040 Vienna, Austria; Technische Universität Wien, Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, Christian Doppler Laboratory for Piezoelectric Silicon MEMS with Enhanced Sensitivity and Responsivity, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
  • Muhammad Muzammil Koç University, Computational Sciences and Engineering Program, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey
  • Mehdi Bostan Shirin Koç University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey
  • Basit Ali Koç University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey
  • Semih Berk Coban Koç University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey
  • Ege Nacarkucuk Koç University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey
  • Umut Kerimzade Koç University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey; Koç University, n2STAR-Koç University Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization Center for Scientific and Technological Advanced Research, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey
  • Burhanettin Erdem Alaca Koç University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey; Koç University, n2STAR-Koç University Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization Center for Scientific and Technological Advanced Research, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey; Koç University, Surface Technologies Research Center (KUYTAM), 34450 Istanbul, Turkey




silicon, nanowire, resonance testing, Raman characterization, intrinsic stress


Silicon nanowires have become integral components in nanoelectromechanical systems and nanoelectronics. This article explores the intricate relationship between intrinsic stress and mechanical behavior in silicon nanowires. Utilizing a comprehensive approach involving Raman characterization, resonance testing, and thermal processing, the study investigates the induced intrinsic stresses within silicon nanowires. The findings reveal the introduction of 1.4G Pa of intrinsic stress and a 1.3 MHz frequency shift to silicon nanowire through thermal processing. These results underscore the importance of understanding and utilizing intrinsic stresses in silicon nanowires for the advancement of nextgeneration nanoelectromechanical systems. Overall, this article contributes to the ongoing efforts aimed at fully realizing the potential of silicon nanowires in various scientific and technological domains.





How to Cite

Understanding intrinsic stress effects on vibrational response of silicon nanowires. (2024). Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, 50, 74-80. https://doi.org/10.14311/APP.2024.50.0074