Soft X-Ray Polarimeter: Potential Instrumentation and Observations


  • Herman L. Marshall MIT Kavli Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA
  • Norbert S. Schulz MIT Kavli Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA



We present an instrument design capable of measuring linear X-ray polarization over a broad-band using conventional spectroscopic optics. A set of multilayer-coated flats reflects the dispersed X-rays to the instrument detectors. The intensity variation with position angle is measured to determine three Stokes parameters: I, Q, and U - all as a function of energy. By laterally grading the multilayer optics and matching the dispersion of the gratings, one may take advantage of high multilayer reflectivities and achieve modulation factors >90% over the entire 0.2 to 0.8 keV band. This instrument could be used in a small suborbital mission or adapted for use in an orbiting satellite to complement measurements at high energies. We present progress on laboratory work to demonstrate the capabilities of key components.


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How to Cite

Soft X-Ray Polarimeter: Potential Instrumentation and Observations. (2014). Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, 1(1), 288-292.