Non Relational Models for the Management of Large Amount of Astronomical Data


  • B. L. Martino Associated INAF IAPS
  • M. Federici Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, INAF IAPS Via fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Roma, Italy



The objective of this paper is the comparison between two different database typologies: the relational and the nonrelational architecture, in the context of the applications related to the use and distribution of astronomical data. The specific context is focused to problems quite different from those related to administrative and managerial environments within which were developed the leading technologies on which are based the modern systems of massive storage of data. The data provided by astronomical instrumentation are usually filtered out by the front-end system (trigger, anticoincidence, DSP etc.), so they do not require special controls of congruence. Moreover, the related storage systems must be able to ensure an easy growth, minimizing human systemistic interventions and automating the related actions. The use of a non-relational architecture (NoSQL), offers great advantages during the insertion of informations within a data base, while the response speed of the queries is mainly tied to their type and complexity.


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