Life cycle assessment of carbon concrete composites: a circular economy path beyond climate mitigation?


  • Christoph Scope Technische Universität Dresden, Chair of Sustainability Management and Environmental Accounting, 01187 Dresden, Germany
  • Edeltraud Guenther UNU-FLORES, UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources, 01067 Dresden, Germany
  • Torsten Mielecke LCEE Life Cycle Engineeering Experts GmbH, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany
  • Julia Schuetz LCEE Life Cycle Engineeering Experts GmbH, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany
  • Eric Muendecke Ingenierbüro Grassl GmbH, 13158 Berlin, Germany
  • Konstantin Schultze Ingenierbüro Grassl GmbH, 13158 Berlin, Germany



carbon concrete composite, life cycle assessment, recycling


Sustainable construction and materials play an ever-important role to stay within our planetary boundaries. In support, innovative carbon concrete composites (CCC) promise significant raw material savings by integral design. We aim to illustrate current environmental hotspots and a feasible recycling scenario of CCC that meets circularity requirements. We modelled a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment for two potential building structural applications (sandwich wall, ceiling reinforcement) made of CCC. We based our recycling scenario on previously conducted large-scale experiments. Results show a relative larger energy intensity and abiotic depletion of fossil fuels for variants of CCC but lower global warming. Yet, recycling is, second to embodied emissions of basic materials, the driving force of total environmental impacts. The presented recycling path (demolition, pyrolysis for carbon fabric, reuse in fiber fleece) offers less "green credentials" than steel.


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