Effect of using biomass fly ash on the concrete sustainability


  • Elisabete Rodrigues Teixeira University of Minho, ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, Guimarães, Portugal
  • Aires Camões CTAC, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Azur’em, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
  • Fernando G. Branco University of Coimbra, ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal




life cycle analysis, sustainability, wastes


Biomass fly ash has been studied has a partial cement material, since this material has a positive effect on concrete properties. Even though, some mixes with BFA presents a positive benefit, they need to be economically competitive and present a good environmental performance. So, the analyse and comparison of concrete that uses BFA as raw material substitution in terms of environmental impacts related to the production of conventional concrete. One of the best approaches to develop this type of study is to use the life cycle assessment (LCA) method. This method quantifies both the input flows, such as energy, water and materials, as well as the output flows, such as CO2 emission, solid wastes and liquid wastes. Based both on the abovementioned context and methodological approach, a quantification and comparison of potential environmental impacts resulting from the production of 1 m3 of concrete was made, using different types of binder and quantities of cement substitution.


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