Influence of heated facade air on the results of climate data measurement


  • Peter Kysela University of Zilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Engineering and Urban Planning, Univerzitna 8215/1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia
  • Radoslav Ponechal University of Zilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Engineering and Urban Planning, Univerzitna 8215/1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia
  • Ján Rybárik University of Zilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Engineering and Urban Planning, Univerzitna 8215/1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia



climate measurement, facade, radiation shield


Measuring climate data is a lengthy and technically challenging task. To record temperature data, small meteorological stations are located on the facade of the Research Centre building. Due to the position of the meteorological stations, which are mounted directly on the facade of the building, the temperature measurement sensor is not only affected by the solar radiation falling on the sensor housing, but also by the solar radiation falling on the facade of the building. The illuminated surface of the facade gradually heats up during the day and warms the air flowing near the facade. The temperature readings during the day may therefore be significantly distorted. To avoid this phenomenon, better-quality radiation shields have been purchased. The new radiation shield is characterized by a design that resembles eddy currents. The relationship between the shape of the outer and inner spiral is optimized, allowing vortices to form even in virtually windless conditions. In this paper, we would like to point out the differences in the measured air temperature data, according to the radiation shield used and the distance of the temperature sensor from the building facade.


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Innovative Technologies and Systems

How to Cite

Influence of heated facade air on the results of climate data measurement. (2022). Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, 38, 332-339.