Implementation of positive energy district concepts and energy master plans for decarbonization of districts


  • Matthias Haase Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Department of Life Sciences and Facility Management, Am Gruental, 8820 Waedenswil, Switzerland
  • Daniela Baer SINTEF, Community, Hogskoleringen 7B, 7465 Trondheim, Norway



positive energy districts (PED), energy master planning (EMP), implementation plans


In order to achieve a holistic approach to community energy planning for neighbourhoods and districts, it is crucial to provide planners, decision makers, and stakeholders with the necessary methods and instruments. However, there is a research gap in terms of planning and implementation strategies and models. To address this gap, our research used literature and document analysis as well as qualitative interviews to identify implementation models and energy supply options for Positive Energy Districts (PEDs), and to determine which market actors are needed for PEDs. We also discussed the consequences of scaling up the PED concept.
Our analysis highlights the importance of integrated energy planning, which is critical for reducing energy consumption, securing the location of energy infrastructure (generation, distribution, storage), and achieving long-term sustainable development and climate neutrality. Therefore, understanding the different dimensions of sustainable development in combination with energy supply and consumption is more important than ever for planning and realizing settlements.


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Sustainable Development of Inudstrial Heritage

How to Cite

Implementation of positive energy district concepts and energy master plans for decarbonization of districts . (2022). Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, 38, 546–552.