Driver-Car Interaction and Safety Conference 2021


  • Editorial, Foreword


The DCIS 2021 builds on previous Driver-Car Interaction and Safety Conferences experience that are organized semi-annually by Department of vehicles at Faculty of Transportation Sciences. Proceedings present the research that contributes to study of human behavior in a context of modern vehicles and their technology embracing the evolution of urban mobility and driver safety. Contemporary applications, tools and developments applied in study of human-machine and human-infrastructure interaction cover the areas of neuroscience, psychology, biosensorics and driving simulation.

Conference presentations and discussions covered the following topics:

  • Human-Machine Interaction
  • Human factor in transportation
  • Urban mobility
  • Transport safety
  • Passive and active safety of vehicles
  • Advanced driving simulators
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Driving simulation

Conference was organized in a hybrid form with online and live participation of contributors in a building of Faculty of Transportation sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague by Department of Vehicles. Conference was open with a speech by head of hosting department doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D. and lead by conference chairs Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D. and Ing. Alina Mashko.


The presented papers were peer reviewed by at least to reviewers, within a half-blind review process supervised by scientific committee.

Date: November 5, 2021
Venue: Prague, Czech Republic

Organized by:
Department of Vehicles, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague

Guest editor:
Alina Mashko

Scientific committee:
Zdeněk Votruba
Václav Matoušek
Petr Bouchner
Vít Fábera
Zuzana Radová
Pavel Smrčka
Tomáš Tichý
Milan Sliacky
Josef Mík
Luboš Nouzovský

Local organizing committee:
Josef Mík
Luboš Nouzovský
Alina Mashko
Michal Malý
Jan Válek

Guarantor of the peer review process:
Alina Mashko

Guarantor of language editing:
Jan Feit


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