Protection of soft targets - verification of the effectiveness of the anti-terrorist barrier


  • Luboš Nouzovský Czech technical univesity in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Science, Department of Forensic Experts in Transportation, Horská 2040/3, 128 00 Prague, Czech Republic
  • Zdeněk Svatý Czech technical univesity in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Science, Department of Forensic Experts in Transportation, Horská 2040/3, 128 00 Prague, Czech Republic
  • Petr Hála Czech technical univesity in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Experimental Centre, Thákurova 7, 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic



mobile barrier, crash test, impact, antiterrorist


The security of the population and its protection in the context of terrorist attacks is currently one of the major topics of the professional public and security forces. A number of attacks in the last decade have targeted soft targets, which, according to a generally valid definition, can be considered as places with a high concentration of people and a low level of security against violent attacks. In order to ensure maximum effectiveness in protecting soft targets, a number of procedures and methodologies have been developed to determine appropriate measures and their appropriate application. From a technical point of view, these include mechanical barrier systems and elements. It is mechanical barrier elements that are the focus of this article, which uses a selected specific device to present its function, its possible applications, and the issue of testing before use in practice.


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How to Cite

Protection of soft targets - verification of the effectiveness of the anti-terrorist barrier. (2023). Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, 41, 36-43.