Comparison of Copper and Graphite Crucibles for Si Extraction from TiO2 - SiO2 System at Plasma-Arc Heating


  • D. E. Kirpichev Baikov Institute of Metallurgy & Materials Science (IMET RAS), Leninskiy av. 49, 119334 Moscow,
  • A. A. Nikolaev Baikov Institute of Metallurgy & Materials Science (IMET RAS), Leninskiy av. 49, 119334 Moscow,
  • A. V. Nikolaev Baikov Institute of Metallurgy & Materials Science (IMET RAS), Leninskiy av. 49, 119334 Moscow,



DC plasma arc, anode spot, reducing, leucoxene, silicon, rutil


Plasma arc recovery melting of the quartz-leucoxene concentrate is investigated. Experiments were made in laboratory DC plasma arc furnace in various crucibles. The best results are reached in a cold copper crucible. The temperature field of a pool is calculated in hot graphite and cold copper crucibles. It is shown that in a graphite crucible diameter of an anode spot is more, and density of current and material temperature in a spot is less, than in copper that is the reason of the worst refinements in a graphite crucible.


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