
  • Editorial, Foreword


6th Student Scientific Conference on Solid State Physics

June 27th - July 1st, 2016
Sedliště, Czech Republic

Organized by:
Department of Solid State Engineering, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Solid state physics is a basic natural science focused on understanding connections between structure of the condensed matter and its properties. The main disciplines of the present solid state physics cover experimental research of the microscopic structure of the condensed matter (from crystalline matter, macromolecular and biological substances to mesomorphous and amorhous materials), spectroscopic and optical characterisation of physical and chemical properties of solid matter and complex functional super-structures or research of functional multi-ferroic materials. The achievements of solid state physics find great application in interdisciplinary fields covered under the title material engineering. An inseparable instrument of the new materials research is computer simulation of structure and properties of the condensed matter. The aim of the conference was to provide the students the opportunity to present their results before broader audience, develop their presentation skills and discus the scientific topics with other experts.

Scientific and Organizing Committee:
Ladislav Kalvoda
Kateřina Dragounová
Jaroslava Fojtíková
Martin Dráb
Jan Aubrecht
Tomáš Koubský

Guest Editor:
Tomáš Koubský



