Cementitious material development for additive fabrication


  • David Čítek Czech Technical University in Prague, Klokner Institute, Šolínova 7, Prague 166 08, Czech Republic
  • Karel Hurtig Czech Technical University in Prague, Klokner Institute, Šolínova 7, Prague 166 08, Czech Republic
  • Vladislav Bureš Technical University of Liberec, Department of Load-bearing Structures, Studentská 1402/2, 461 17 Liberec 1, Czech Republic
  • Peter Koteš University of Zilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Univerzitná 8215, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia




3D printing, cementitious material, optimization, testing, material properties


For the 3D STAR project and 3D printing purposes, a special fine-grained cement mixture from locally available raw materials was developed. The reason for the development of the custom mixture was the possibility of arbitrary optimization of the developed mixture at any stage of the project and for any type of application. Mix design, printing head and the entire system from mixing to extrusion was the subject of research and development for this project. It was therefore necessary to address both issues in parallel and to respond in both sectors to the realities arising from the partial results of the different groups involved in the development.


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