Local Mechanical Properties 2024


  • Editorial, Foreword


The Sixteenth International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties (LMP 2024) was organised by the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering. It was held in Prague from May 29 to May 31, 2024 in the main building of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering.

The conference alternates venue in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The previous years were in 2004 - Košice, 2005 – Košice, 2006 – Plzeň-Nečtiny, 2007 – Brno, 2008 – Košice, 2009 – Telč, 2010 – Smolenice, 2011 – Olomouc, 2012 – Levoča, 2013 – Kutná Hora, 2014 – Stará Lesná, 2015 – Liberec, 2017 – Košice, 2019 – Prague, 2022 – Košice.

The LMP 2024 conference brought together 85 participants from 12 countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Turkey, India). The programme covered 45 oral presentations in 10 sections and 21 posters. The conference was sponsored by 10 generous partners and MecaNano COST Action CA21121 (European Network for the Mechanics of Matter at the Nano-Scale) whose support is greatly appreciated.

The conference programme consisted of research results and developments in the field of characterization of mechanical properties of various materials at nano- and micro-scales. A wide range of materials was covered, from metals, glass, ceramics, and polymers to biological tissues or structural concrete. The conference was complemented by an introductory workshop and a special session devoted to the members of MecaNano COST Action CA21121.

The proceedings are composed of selected peer reviewed papers. They include papers focused on nanoindentation, in-situ micromechanical testing, finite element modelling and other experimental techniques performed on various materials, films and coatings under ambient as well as severe conditions, including high temperature or irradiation.

The organising committee hopes that the proceedings will provide a valuable overview and state-of-the-art in the field of local mechanical properties. The organising committee would like to thank all participants and sponsors for their attendance and support.

We are looking forward meeting you at LMP 2026 which will be organised by the Institute of Materials Research of SAS in May 2026 in Slovakia.

Dr. Jaroslav Čech (Czech Technical University in Prague)

Organising committee:
Dr. Jaroslav Čech (Czech Technical University in Prague)
Prof. Petr Haušild (Czech Technical University in Prague)
Prof. Jiří Němeček (Czech Technical University in Prague)
Dr. Karel Tesař (Czech Technical University in Prague)  

Scientific board:
Dr. Jiří Buršík (CZ)
Prof. Vilma Buršíková (CZ)
Dr. Megan Cordill (AT)
Dr. Jaroslav Čech (CZ)
Dr. Radim Čtvrtlík (CZ)
Prof. Petr Haušild (CZ)
Prof. Šárka Houdková Šimůnková (CZ)
Prof. Guillaume Kermouche (FR)
Prof. Vincent Keryvin (FR)
Dr. Marc Legros (FR)
Prof. František Lofaj (SK)
Dr. Aleš Materna (CZ)
Prof. Jaroslav Menčík (CZ)
Prof. Benoit Merle (DE)
Prof. Andreas Mortensen (CH)
Prof. Radek Mušálek (CZ)
Prof. Jiří Němeček (CZ)
Prof. Ladislav Pešek (SK)
Prof. Michael Swain (AUS)
Dr. Pavol Zubko (SK)

Guarantor of the peer review process:
Jaroslav Čech

Guarantor of language editing:
Jaroslav Čech

Best poster winner:
Matej Kubiš with the poster "Nanoindentation analysis of high fluence helium ion irradiated Eurofer 97 and ODS Eurofer steels".

Sponsors and Exhibitors:

  • Anton Paar
  • Jeol
  • Alemnis
  • MTM Měřicí technika Morava
  • NenoVision
  • Keyence
  • Zeiss
  • Zwick-Roell
  • Ametek
  • Micro Materials


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