Water Cooled Induction Traction Motor for 100 % Low Floor Tram Car


  • Pavel Dvořák ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s., Plzen
  • Tomáš Fajt ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s., Plzen
  • Iva Sošková TechSoft Engineering, spol. s r.o., Praha
  • Jakub Hloužek TechSoft Engineering, spol. s r.o., Praha


The paper deals with the design of the traction
motor for 100 % low floor tram car. Within the design it
was necessary to deal with many problems which have
significant impact on the final product. The most interesting
problems were the conception of the torque transmission,
mounting of the brake equipment on the motor body,
arrangement of the motor inside the bogie, cooling of the
motor or protection of the motor against the water and
pollution which can enter inside the motor. In this paper
there are discussed the electromagnetic model, and special
thermal and ventilation model of the motor. The final design
was validated within the type testing.

Author Biography

  • Pavel Dvořák, ŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s., Plzen
    Pavel Dvorák1), Tomáš Fajt2), Iva Sošková3) and Jakub Hloužek4)


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