Modelling of Regulatory Electricity Networks Ability with Rotating Flywheels


  • Emil Dvorský West Bohemia University, Plzeň
  • Lenka Raková West Bohemia University, Plzeň


Electricity as one of energy forms has still
significant disadvantage; it cannot be effectively stored.
Mostly, there is necessary, for a regulation process, to
transform it into another energy form, which is loaded with
solutions of technical and economic issues of energy
transformation. One of the prospective technology from
total transformation ones can be the Flywheel Energy
Storage – FES, which is possible to meet the criteria of
Uninterruptible Power Supply - UPS. FES has the potential
to become a viable option compensation for traditional
electric storage technologies or regulatory power source.

Author Biographies

  • Emil Dvorský, West Bohemia University, Plzeň
    Department of Power Engineering and Ecology
  • Lenka Raková, West Bohemia University, Plzeň
    Department of Power Engineering and Ecology


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