Biogas Stations in Slovakia – Current State


  • František Janíček Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
  • Milan Perný Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
  • Vladimír Šály Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
  • Jana Némethová FNS CPU in Nitra Nitra



The paper focuses on the use of biomass in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The importance and position of biomass within renewable energy sources is highlighted in the introduction. Documents such as laws, studies, and strategies which have been developed with the aim to increase the share of renewable energy sources within the energy mix are listed here. The issue of biogas and its possible sources in the Slovak Republic was also solved. An important part of the paper is the presentation of the current statistical data concerning to the number of biogas stations and also information about the material used for gasification purposes in SR. A separate part of the contribution consists of the field research results focused on selected biogas stations in western Slovakia. We provide basic technical specifications, biomass suppliers and statistical data about heat and electricity production for each station. Selected stations were located in villages: Smolinské, Malý Cetín, Ružindol, Chynorany and Kolíňany.

Author Biographies

  • František Janíček, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Milan Perný, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Vladimír Šály, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
  • Jana Némethová, FNS CPU in Nitra Nitra
    Department of Geography and Regional Development


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