Influence of State of Charge Level on Frequency Control Reserve Provision by Energy Storage Systems


  • Tomáš Košický FEI TU, Košice
  • Michal Kolcun FEI TU, Košice
  • Lubomír Bena FEI TU, Košice


Batteries in transmission grids can provide
ancillary network services, such as primary frequency
response, voltage control in network nodes or back up
power. The Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) is often
the most limiting factor within their more extensive usage
for the frequency control. Because of this it is necessary to
adjust the system charging SoC and the performance of
battery systems so that they fulfil the same requirements as
those ones which are applied in case of conventional
providers of primary frequency control. This article says
more about the possibilities of using and stability of battery
systems and their ability to be a part of the ancillary
services providers.

Author Biographies

  • Tomáš Košický, FEI TU, Košice
    Dept. of Electric Power Engineering
  • Michal Kolcun, FEI TU, Košice
    Dept. of Electric Power Engineering
  • Lubomír Bena, FEI TU, Košice
    Dept. of Electric Power Engineering


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