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Author Guidelines

The Geoinformatics FCE CTU Journal publishes papers in English. We expect that the papers submitted are not being reviewed in any other journal. We accept papers previously published in conference proceedings, if they are significantly extended. All papers are double-blind reviewed by two reviewers.

Manuscript format is LaTeX (with PDF compiled for the review process). You can download the LaTeX with gifce.cls class, article template and some other example files.

  • Please supply all figures separately in a ZIP or TAR. Do not try to optimize images for resolution, contrast, color depth and other parameters. Images are scaled during typesetting and if needed, other adjustments are fixed when the final layout version is ready.

  • Pay special attention to citations. Always add DOI to a reference when available. Try to avoid excessive use of URL references (because generally they are not permanent, in contrast to DOIs). ISBN might not be unique, we prefer not to use ISBN in references. For references we use BibTeX format (with biber backend). References should be supplied together with the manuscript in a separate text file in BibTeX format (even if your manuscript is a docx file). We recommend to use JabRef, an open source bibliography reference manager written in Java. The native file format used by JabRef is BibTeX. The following tools might also be useful for compiling BibTeX citations

    • CrossRef metadata search generates citations in BibTeX format (and several others), similarly Scopus and many other bibliographic databases.
    • Google Scholar supports cite export and can be effectively used for conversions to BibTeX.
    • Mendeley and Zotero are two excellent and powerful free software research tools.
    • OttoBib generates citations from the given ISBN.
    • many editors directly support BibTeX format.
    • a BibTex database of articles published in Geoinformatics FCE CTU comes with the article template.
  • Use international date format (ISO) YYY-MM-DD.

You even need not to have LaTeX installed on your computer, you can simply use Overleaf, a cloud-based online LaTeX and Rich Text collaborative writing and publishing tool, with basic services free. Just  start a new project with Sample Paper template.

But what if you are not familiar with LaTeX?

  • There is a reasonable alternative, LyX. LyX is an open access document processor based on the top of the LaTeX typesetting system, LyX can export a clean LaTeX format and its intuitive interface guides user in typesetting mathematics and float objects (figures, tables, ...). Please, read information given in the LyX subdirectory of and contact us to discuss details.
  • It is possible to prepare manuscript in Microsoft Word. If this is your case, please follow carefully Template_MS_word.doc available from MS_Word subdirectory of and contact us to discuss details.

We kindly ask authors also to supply ORCID with their manuscript. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors (see Wikipedia for details). The registration is free, it takes from 2-3 minutes, and it is supported by Scopus and Web of Science, the both bibliographic databases enable integration with ORCID.

The journal editors reserve their right to reject a paper which does not fit scope of the journal or which does not respect the "Instruction for authors". This right also include the right to do so without explaining reasons.

The Geoinformatics FCE CTU does not charge submission fees to the authors.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission contains

    • the manuscript in LaTeX (alternatively in Microsoft Word docx format)
    • references in BibTeX format
    • an archive file with all images in a single archive file (zip or tar)

    If the manuscript is not submitted in LaTex (style class gifce.cls) and accepted for publishing, it is converted to LaTeX. In such a case manuscript must be submitted as a plaint text with no or minimal formating. Namely do not use MathType for typesitting formulas, resulting objects cannot be exported and are only available as images.

    • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
    • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided. Authors are encouraged also to provide their ORCIDs.
  • The instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.