Geodetic Measurement of Longitudinal Displacements of the Railway Bridge


  • Jaroslav Braun Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Special Geodesy, Thákurova 7, 16629 Praha 6, Czech Republic
  • Martin Štroner Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Special Geodesy, Thákurova 7, 16629 Praha 6, Czech Republic



bridge, geodetic network, longitudinal shift, railway, standard deviation, track


The paper deals with geodetic measurements of mutual longitudinal displacements ofconstruction of the railway bridge and rails on the bridge in Klášterec nad Oh í.Construction of the bridge is made of steel with a concrete deck, which carries the stonesuperstructure and rails. The bridge is about 100 meters long and expected deformationsare in millimetres. The method of geodetic network with the expected standard deviationsof coordinates about 0.2 mm was chosen. The deformation of the structure was determinedto be 4 mm, the deformation of the rails was determined to be 1 mm, both as a result ofepoch comparison.


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