On scripting GRASS GIS: Building location-independent command line tools


  • Peter Loewe RapidEye AG, Molkenmarkt 30, 14476 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany




GRASS GIS, GRASS Scripting, FOSS GIS Workflows, Embedded GIS, Bash, Python


This paper discusses scripting techniques within the context of GRASS GIS. After an overview over scripting for interactive GRASS sessions, it is shown how GRASS GIS-provided functionality can be used for external applications. This approach of external scripting allows for the application of GRASS GIS-based functionality to be used for standalone applications and embedding in larger automated workflows.


Löwe P: Niederschlagserosivitat: Eine Fallstudie aus Sudafrika, basierend auf Wetterradar und Open Source GIS, VDM Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-8364-5018-8

Neteler, M. and Mitášová a H.: Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 2002, ISBN 1-4020-7088-8

GRASS AddOns http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS AddOns

GRASS GIS module to remove data base element files from the user’s current mapset. http://grass.fbk.eu/grass64/manuals/html64 user/g.mremove.html

GRASS module to provide canonic interfaces for scripts http://grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/g.parser.html

Raster data import http://grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/r.in.gdal.html

Raster data export http://grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/r.out.gdal.html

Reprojection of raster data from other GRASS locations with differing projection http://grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/r.proj.html

Overview over GRASS environment variables and setting options http://grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/variables.html

Vector data import http://grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/v.in.ogr.html

Vector data export http://grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/v.out.ogr.html

Reprojection of vector data from other GRASS locations with differing projection http://grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/v.proj.html

Overview over EPSG codes http://www.epsg.org/Geodetic.html

Automated Earthquake Map based on GRASS GIS http://grass.itc.it/spearfish/php grass earthquakes.php

GRASS module to manipulate projection settings http://www.grass.itc.it/grass64/manuals/html64 user/g.proj.html





