Geoinformatics Study at the CTU in Prague


  • Leoš Mervart Department of Advanced Geodesy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague
  • Aleš Čepek Department of Mapping and Cartography Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague



key education, curricula, geoinformation, software development


At the CTU in Prague, there is a long tradition of master degree courses in geodesy, geodetic surveying and cartography. Taking into account the fast development of information technologies in recent decades, we decided to prepare a new study program that would combine computer science with a background of geodetic and cartographic know-how. Apart from other sources, our plans were inspired and influenced by the Review of Education Needs, a report prepared by Stig Enemark (Prague 1998), and by our experience from several Virtual Academy workshops.

We have decided to call this program “Geoinformatics” to emphasize the role of computer technologies in collecting, analyzing and exploiting information about our planet. Within this presentation we will explain the basic ideas behind our new study program and emphasize the features that distinguish it from classical geodetic or cartographic programs. We will mention the connection between our new study program and several geodetic and software projects running at our institute – software development for real-time GPS applications, cooperation with the Astronomical Institute, University of Berne, on the development of so-called Bernese GPS Software, the GNU project Gama for adjustment of geodetic networks, etc.


Vaníček P., Krakiwski E.J.: Geodesy: the Concepts, North-Holland, 1986, 2nd ed., ISBN 0444-87775-4

Enemark S.: Review of Education Needs, Consultancy to the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, EU Phare Land Registration Project, Project No CZ 94402-02, February 1998

Čepek A., Pytel J.: Free Software – An Inspiration for a Virtual Academy, FIG XXII International Congress, Washington, D.C. USA, April 19-26, 2002

Čepek A., Pytel J.: Acyclic Visitor Pattern in Formulation of Mathematical Model, FIG Working Week, Athens,Greece, May 22-27, 2004

Kostelecký J., Pytel J.: Modern Geodetic Control in the Czech Republic Based on Densification of EUREF Network, FIG Working Week, Athens, Greece, May 22-27, 2004

Stallman R. M.: Free Software, Free Society (selected essays), GNU Press, Free Software Foundation, Boston, MA USA, ISBN 1-882114-98-1

Stallman R. (interview)

Rocken, C., Mervart L., Lukeš Z., Johnson J., Kanzaki M.: Testing a New Network RTK Software System, In: Proceedings of GNSS 2004. Institute of Navigation, Fairfax, 2004, 2831-2839





