Non Expensive 3D Documentation and Modelling of Historical Object and Archaeological Artefacts by Using Close Range Photogrammetry


  • Karel Pavelka Head of Laboratory of Photogrammetry, Department of Geomatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 166 29 Thákurova 7, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Jan Řezníček Department of Geomatics Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 166 29 Thákurova 7, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Zdeňka Bílá Department of Geomatics Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 166 29 Thákurova 7, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Lucie Prunarová Department of Geomatics Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 166 29 Thákurova 7, Prague, Czech Republic



Culture heritage, digital photogrammetry, 3D documentation, digital camera, image correlation, Photosynth, PMSC, ARC 3D, OKS


Nowadays, there are two main approaches to cultural heritage documentation: a precise documentation by several techniques such as professional close range photogrammetry, classical geodetical measurement and 3D scanning, or a simple documentation using non expensive devices and instruments, often based on free  software. In many projects it is not possible to use precise and expensive instruments for time, transportational, financial and authoritative permission reasons. At the Laboratory of Photogrammetry at the CTU Prague, we are focused on both types of documentation and the necessary visualisation of outputs; the long-term and very important aim of our research in this field is to develop small, inexpensive devices and test appropriate technology for the 3D documentation of cultural heritage objects. There is our prototype of an optical correlation system, which uses a motorised calibrated digital camera on a linear base. The second part shows several open source photogrammetric systems compared with Photomodeler PMSC and Agisoft Photoscan software. On a case project, based on our own data from German-Czech expeditions in Peru, the simple photogrammetric documentation of a small archaeological object joined with reverse engineering has been demonstrated.


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