Accurate Measurement of the Riverbed Model for Deformation Analysis using Laser Scanning Technology




Laser scanning, deformation measurement, micro-network, precision planning


This paper presents an interesting application of the riverbed model shape and deformations monitoring using laser scanning technology and accurate local micro-network. The most interesting fact about this application is very high accuracy demand on deformation determination (maximum permissible error is only 2 mm) within quite large object (the size of the riverbed model is about 100 meters). Up to now, mechanical calipers in the selected profiles were used to detect the changes. This manual approach is very laborious and time-consuming and the gathered data resolution and accuracy is often not sufficient. The suggested solution contains two main parts. The first part deals with construction of highly accurate local micro-network for laser scanning needs (maximum required standard deviation in any coordinate is lower than 0.4 mm) and the second part deals with actual laser scanning and data processing. Design, measurement and processing of the experiment was conducted for the needs of the research project “Improvement of navigation conditions on the Elbe between Ústí nad Labem - state border CR / FRG - Navigation Step Děčín”. The main goal of this project is design and realization of the river regulation to improve the navigation conditions. The key benefit of using river model is the possibility to easily simulate various catastrophic scenarios (various degrees of the floods) and their impacts on riverbed changes.

Author Biography

  • Martin Štroner, Department of the Special Geodesy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

    Prof., Head of Department of the Special Geodesy


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