Data evaluation of BDS registers from airborne transponders


  • Jan Angelis Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
  • Jiří Frei ANS CZ
  • Stanislav Pleninger Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences



BDS registers, mode S, secondary surveillance radar, calculation of wind speed and wind direction


The purpose of this article is the evaluation of data from BDS registers of aircraft transponders with the focus to calculate wind speed and wind direction. First part of this article focusses on BDS registers and method of calculating wind values from data of secondary surveillance radars obtained from Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic. Evaluation and comparison of the calculated data with the real values of the wind is stated in the second part of the article.

Author Biographies

  • Jan Angelis, Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
    Department of Air Transport
  • Jiří Frei, ANS CZ
    Planning and Development Division
  • Stanislav Pleninger, Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
    Department of Air Transport


ICAO Annex 10 Vol. III

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