The Dependence of Airport Profit on Passenger Satisfaction and Operational Efficiency


  • Roman Vokáč Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transporation Sciences
  • Milan Lánský Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transporation Sciences
  • Stanislav Szabo Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transporation Sciences



airport, efficiency, profit, queue, satisfaction


Since the airports are in fact commercial companies, their main objective is to make profit. Therefore, it is important for the airports to identify the business activities that may increase the income as well as those that may reduce the costs. The terminal process, handling the passengers’ baggage both on their departure and arrival, is a basic process at all airports that are intended for the commercial air transport. The quality of the terminal process provided by the airports has a significant impact on the passengers especially in terms of their satisfaction. In this text, the passenger satisfaction is regarded as a key factor of the terminal process affecting a whole range of other areas. Its high efficiency leads to cost reduction from the perspective of the airport. As it is proposed here, there is a connection between the passenger satisfaction and the process efficiency. For example, the queues that form due to the check-in process may be a result of the imbalance between the passenger arrival rate and the service rate. Therefore, there is a necessity of improving not only the passenger satisfaction but also the process efficiency.

Author Biographies

  • Roman Vokáč, Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transporation Sciences
    Department of Air Transport
  • Milan Lánský, Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transporation Sciences
    Department of Air Transport
  • Stanislav Szabo, Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transporation Sciences
    Department of Air Transport


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