Aircraft gas turbine engine vibration diagnostics


  • Stanislav Fábry Technical University in Kosice Faculty of Aeronautics
  • Marek Češkovič Technical University in Kosice Faculty of Aeronautics



engine, rotor vibration, health indicators, diagnosis


In the Czech and Slovak aviation are in service elderly aircrafts, usually produced in former Soviet Union. Their power units can be operated in more efficient way, in case of using additional diagnostic methods that allow evaluating their health. Vibration diagnostics is one of the methods indicating changes of rotational machine dynamics. Ground tests of aircraft gas turbine engines allow vibration recording and analysis. Results contribute to airworthiness evaluation and making corrections, if needed. Vibration sensors distribution, signal recording and processing are introduced in a paper. Recorded and re-calculated vibration parameters are used in role of health indicators.

Author Biographies

  • Stanislav Fábry, Technical University in Kosice Faculty of Aeronautics
    Department of Aviation Engineering
  • Marek Češkovič, Technical University in Kosice Faculty of Aeronautics
    Department of Avionics


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