The Application of Online Check-in in the Process of Passenger Handling in Air Transportation


  • František Adamčík Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice
  • Jozef Galanda Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice
  • Edina Jenčová Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice
  • Radoslav Šulej Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice



DCS, Online check-in, Passenger handling, Self Check-in, Web check-in


Passenger handling is one of the most important activities any passenger is obliged to carry out prior to boarding the plane to depart. For the handling process to be safeguarded, it is inevitable to perform the services involved in it fast and efficiently so as to prevent idle times or delays during the procedures potentially resulting in delay of flight. By gradual development of the so-called web-based information technologies, some of the activities involved in the handling process can be delegated to the passengers themselves, thereby achieving a faster course of the passenger handling process. In this contribution the authors are dealing with the status quo of the on-line web-based check-in process in air transportation forecasting the expected course of events in these services in the future. Next, based on analyzing functions and characteristics of similar solutions available in the market, the authors are putting forward their new proposal of their own design of a self-service, on-line system of passenger handling with the aim to simplify and expedite the entire handling process. It is the aim of the authors to develop a competitive design in terms of costs as well as new function and services not offered by the hitherto existing with emphasis on improving efficiency of passenger handling at the airports. The resulting solution thanks to internet based technologies is platform independent and fully applicable to the process of airport passenger handling. To an equal extent, the solutions are being applied by the authors to the educational process, as a training tool for the preparation of the aviation personnel and also as part of simulation models for research in the field of airport processes optimization.

Author Biographies

  • František Adamčík, Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice
    Department of Avionics
  • Jozef Galanda, Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice
    Department of Air Transport Management
  • Edina Jenčová, Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice
    Department of Air Transport Management
  • Radoslav Šulej, Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice
    Department of Air Transport Management


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