System of AFIS Officer for Air Navigation Service providers


  • Pavel Kopp Czech Technical University in Prague
  • Jakub Kraus Czech Technical University in Prague



AFIS, AFIS officer, Air traffic control service


This paper focuses on the provision of the Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) in the Czech Republic. It examines the functioning and the requirements on the AFIS from the view of the national audit office. Specially, it examines current requirements for the training system of new AFIS officers. Based on these findings, and by comparing the AFIS with Air traffic control service (ATC), the author of the article attempts to assess whether the current training system and the requirements for the applicants are sufficient by comparing the AFIS with the Air traffic control service. The result of the analysis is the presentation of hypotheses concerning new proposals and recommendations that could be adopted to the training and regulatory framework in accordance to the fact, that AFIS belongs to Air traffic services ATS.


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