Icing Operations - De-Icing Policy


  • Jaromír Procházka Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
  • Ivana Procházková Charles University in Prague Faculty of Education




anti-iceing, de-icing, cold soaking, critical surface, non-newtonian fluid, stall, ice formation


The accumulation of ice, frost and snow on aircraft surfaces can drastically reduce the climb and maneuvering capabilities of an aircraft. The removal of such contamination prior to take off MUST be strictly adhered to in accordance with regulations and standards. The policy with respect to aircraft icing contamination should be “MAKE IT CLEAN AND KEEP IT CLEAN”. All personnel associated with the dispatch and/or operation of aircraft share the responsibility for ensuring that no aircraft is dispatched unless it is clear of ice, snow or frost.

Author Biographies

  • Jaromír Procházka, Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
    Department of Air Transport
  • Ivana Procházková, Charles University in Prague Faculty of Education
    Department of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics


Sunwing Airlines. Available at: http://www.swgops.com

Professional Pilots Rumour Network. Available at: http://www.pprune.org

FAA. USA. Available at: http://www.faa.gov

Boeing. Available at: http://www.boeing .com

Airliners.net. Available at: http://www.airliners.net

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Sunwing Airlines Inc.: Icing Operations Manual – Revision 6, Version 3, Janury 14, 2013






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