Air Traffic Control Tools Assessment


  • Tomáš Noskievič Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
  • Jakub Kraus Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences



Air Traffic Control, Arrival Manager, Departure Manager, Medium Term Conflict Detection, Satefy Nets


Undoubtedly air transport in today’s world wouldn’t be able to exist without any air traffic control service. As the air transport has been coming through major changes and it has been expanding, it is assumed that its volume will be doubled in the next 15 years. Air traffic control uses strictly organised procedures to ensure safe course of air operations. With the skies covered with more airplanes every year, new tools must be introduced to allow the controllers to manage this rising amount of flying aircraft and to keep the air transport safe. This paper provides a comprehensive and organized material, which describes the newest tools and systems used by air traffic control officers. It proposes improvements for further research and development of ATC tools.

Author Biographies

  • Tomáš Noskievič, Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
    Department of Air Transport
  • Jakub Kraus, Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
    Department of Air Transport


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