Fly ash, rice husk ash, stone dust, sustainable green concrete, mechanical propertiesAbstract
The performance of a sustainable green concrete with fly ash (FA), rice husk ash (RHA), and stone dust (SD) as a partial replacement of cement and sand was experimentally explored. FA and RHA have a high silica content, are highly pozzolanic in nature and have a high surface area without any treatment. These by-products show filler effects, which enhance concrete’s density. Results showed that the FA and RHA materials have good hydration behaviour and effectively develop strength at an early age of concrete. SD acts as a stress transferring medium within concrete, thereby allowing the concrete to be stronger in compression, and bending. Consequently, water absorption capacity of the sustainable concrete was lower than that of the ordinary one. However, a little reduction in strength was observed after the replacement of the binder and aggregate using the FA, RHA and SD, but the reduction was insignificant. The reinforced structure with sustainable concrete containing the FA, RHA, and SD generally fails in concrete crushing tests initiated by flexural cracking followed by shear cracks. The sustainable concrete could be categorized as a perfect material with no significant conciliation in strength properties and can be applied to design under-reinforced elements for a low-to-moderate service load.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ayesha Siddika, Md. Ruhul Amin, Md. Abu Rayhan, Md. Saidul Islam, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Rayed Alyousef, Y. H. Mugahed Amran
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2021-02-01
Published 2021-03-01