Advanced Theory and Application of the Oscillating Synchronous Electrical Motors


  • S. Kudarauskas
  • J. Vaupšas


This paper considers specific problems of the theory and application of oscillating electrical motors. Classification of electrical machines according to temporal and spatial features of mechanical movement is explained to determine the place of oscillating motors in the whole complex of electrical machines. Here oscillating synchronous motors are described, the main fields of their usage and classification of such motors are defined. The basic (a principle of making equations, their peculiarities) of the theory of oscillating machines are explained in accordance with a general structure of inductive electrical machines. This paper also explains the systems of characteristics of the main motor regime (steady periodic) as principles to make and display functions of a complex argument. The problems of examination and application of oscillating motors and a perspective of such motors are emphasised.


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Author Biographies

  • S. Kudarauskas
  • J. Vaupšas




