TLS, reflectance, materials, classification, crystallinityAbstract
The main purpose of this work is the evaluation of the potential of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) technology to perform a reflectance analysis of scanned objects. A laser beam, having a coherent beam in the field of visible light (wavelength between 532nm and 680 nm), can lead to optical diffraction phenomena that allow a correlation between the degree of crystallinity of solids (in particular dispersed crystalline materials) and its reflectivity. Different materials with known crystallinity values have been examined and the diffraction value has been analysed for two types of lasers, one pulsed and the other phase measurement, with two different acquisition conditions (nadiral and oblique position). The results demonstrated the correlation by verifying that the incident laser light beam is more refracted by materials with a higher degree of crystallinity than less crystalline or amorphous materials.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Domenica Costantino, Massimiliano Pepe, Maria Giuseppa Angelini

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
How to Cite
Accepted 2020-12-09
Published 2021-03-01