Bearing capacity of damaged reinforced concrete beams strengthened with metal casing


  • Irina Karpiuk Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Civil Engineering, Didrikhson St. 4, 65029 Odessa, Ukraine
  • Denis Danilenko Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Engineering-building institute, st. Didrikhson 4, 65029 Odessa, Ukraine
  • Vasyl Karpiuk Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Engineering-building institute, st. Didrikhson 4, 65029 Odessa, Ukraine
  • Anna Danilenko Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Construction and Technological Institute, st. Didrikhson 4, 65029 Odessa, Ukraine
  • Tatiana Lyashenko Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics, st. Didrikhson 4, 65029 Odessa, Ukraine



through normal and cross inclined cracks, reinforced concrete beam damaged by force cracks, prestressed metal casing, low-cycle alternating transverse load


Experimental data on the bearing capacity of damaged reinforced concrete beams with the dimensions of 2000×200×100 mm, reinforced with prestressed metal casings, are presented. Damaging in the form of through normal and crossing inclined cracks, as well as excessive vertical moving of the beam were obtained during previous tests for the effect of high-level transverse alternating loads.
The authors of the article have developed a method and equipment for restoring and strengthening damaged reinforced concrete beams using a casing. Beams are manufactured and tested in accordance with the three-level design of an experiment.
Previously damaged and reduced to the ultimate (pre-emergency) state, the beams were strengthened with the declared method and equipment, and then retested. New data on the bearing capacity of ordinary and damaged beams, as well as reinforced concrete elements strengthened with casings and tested for the action of transverse forces and bending moments were obtained. The research results are presented in the form of experimental-statistical dependences of the bearing capacity of the support areas, deformability and crack resistance of the investigated elements on the ratio of the most significant design factors and external factors. A comparative analysis of the influence of these factors on the main parameters of the bearing capacity of ordinary as well as previously damaged and then strengthened test beams is carried out.
The possibility and appropriateness of using the proposed method of strengthening reinforced concrete beams damaged by through normal and cross-inclined force cracks in the conditions of an existing production has been experimentally proved.


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How to Cite

Karpiuk, I., Danilenko , D. ., Karpiuk, V. ., Danilenko , A. ., & Lyashenko, T. . (2021). Bearing capacity of damaged reinforced concrete beams strengthened with metal casing. Acta Polytechnica, 61(6), 703-721.
Received 2021-01-11
Accepted 2021-10-28
Published 2021-12-31