Water-air ejector with conical-cylindrical mixing chamber
ejector, mixing chamber, spatial position, reverse-circulation flowsAbstract
In the paper, the hydrodynamics of the liquid-gas mixture in the mixing chamber of the ejectors at different spatial positions was analyzed and the comparative study of such ejectors was carried out. It was found that a more ordered mode of movement of the mixture in the mixing chamber is created as a result of the coincidence of the velocity vector of liquid drops and the direction of gravity in the vertical position of the ejectors. This leads to increasing the volume entrainment ratio almost twice. The analysis of the liquid-gas mixture flow in the mixing chamber, evaluation calculations and research allowed to develop and to patent a jet apparatus with a conical-cylindrical (combined) mixing chamber. It was also found that for such ejectors, the volume entrainment ratio is 15–55% higher than for a jet apparatus with a cylindrical mixing chamber due to the reduction of the resistance of the passive flow into the mixing chamber and prevention of the formation of reverse-circulating flows. A study has been conducted on liquid-gas ejectors in the range of the main geometric parameter m (ratio of the mixing chamber area to the nozzle area) 9.4–126.5, which allowed to establish its rational values at which the maximum volume entrainment ratio is achieved (m = 25–40).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Andrii Sliusenko, Vitalii Ponomarenko; Inna Forostiuk

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2021-10-18
Published 2021-12-31