Design development and study of an elastic sectional screw operating tool
manufacturing method, elastic screw, process of coiling the spiral, screw making, efficiency, grain material damageAbstract
The results of an elastic sectional screw operating tool development and its production technique are presented in the article under consideration. The operating tool has been made to fix the elastic sections, providing the transportation of bulk materials of agricultural production, in order to ensure their minimal damage and the process minimal power capacity. The article presents constructed regression dependencies and response surfaces for the effects of the design, kinematic and technological parameters of a sectional screw operating tool on power consumption and the damage rate of grain material in the process of its transportation. As the result of the conducted experimental research, authors came to a conclusion that the arrangement of an elastic auger without a gap between its peripheral part and the inner surface of the guiding tube significantly reduces vibrations in the process of conveying bulk material.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Roman Hevko, Sergii Zalutskyi, Ihor Tkachenko, Oleg Lyashuk, Oleksandra Trokhaniak

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2021-10-05
Published 2021-10-31