Performance of a hydromagnetic squeeze film on a rough circular step bearing: a comparision of different porous structures


  • Jatinkumar V. Adeshara Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad - 382424 Gujarat State, India
  • Hardik P. Patel L. J. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Humanity and Science, Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, India
  • Gunamani B. Deheri Sardar Patel University, Department of Mathematics, Vallabh Vidyanagar - 388 120 Gujarat State, India
  • Rakesh M. Patel Gujarat Arts and Science College, Department of Mathematics, Ahmedabad - 380 006 Gujarat State, India



hydromagnetic fluid, squeeze film, circular step bearing, surface irregularity, spongy structure


This investigation deals with a comparative analysis of the impact of spongy structure based on the model of Kozeny-Carman and Irmay on a hydromagnetic squeeze film in a rough circular step bearing. Christensen and Tonder’s stochastic averaging process has been utilized to determine the role of an arbitrary transverse surface irregularity. The distribution of the pressure in the bearing is obtained by solving the concerned generalised stochastically averaged equation of Reynolds’ with appropriate boundary conditions. The outcomes show that increasing values of magnetization results in an augmented load. The impact of the surface irregularity (transverse) has been found to be adverse. In addition, the negative effect of the surface irregularity and porosity can be minimised by the positive impact of magnetization, at least in the case of the globular sphere model of Kozeny-Carman. Furthermore, the lower strength of the magnetic field results in an approximately similar performance for both these models. This study offers the possibility that the Kozeny-Carman model could be deployed in comparison with Irmay’s model.


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How to Cite

Adeshara, J. V., Patel, H. P., Deheri, G. B., & Patel, R. M. (2022). Performance of a hydromagnetic squeeze film on a rough circular step bearing: a comparision of different porous structures. Acta Polytechnica, 62(4), 409-417.
Received 2021-06-15
Accepted 2022-03-09
Published 2022-08-31