Cavitation wear of Eurofer 97, Cr18Ni10Ti and 42HNM alloys
cavitation erosion, wear, steel, hardness, structure, resistanceAbstract
The microstructure, hardness and cavitation wear of Eurofer 97, Cr18Ni10Ti and 42HNM have been investigated. It was revealed that the cavitation resistance of the 42HNM alloy is by an order of magnitude higher than that of the Cr18Ni10Ti steel and 16 times higher than that of the Eurofer 97 steel. Alloy 42HNM has the highest microhardness (249 kg/mm2) of all the investigated materials, which explains its high cavitation resistance. The microhardness values of the Cr18Ni10Ti steel and the Eurofer 97 were 196.2 kg/mm2 and 207.2 kg/mm2, respectively. The rate of cavitation wear of the austenitic steel Cr18Ni10Ti is 2.6 times lower than that of the martensitic Eurofer 97.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Hanna Rostova, Victor Voyevodin, Ruslan Vasilenko, Igor Kolodiy, Vladimir Kovalenko, Vladimir Marinin, Valeriy Zuyok, Alexander Kuprin

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2021-10-12
Published 2021-12-31