CFD simulation of partial channel blockage on plate-type fuel of TRIGA-2000 conversion reactor core
blockage, FLUENT, plate-type fuel, TRIGA-2000, reactor safety, low coolant velocityAbstract
A nuclear reactor cooling system that has been operating for a long time can carry some debris into a fuel coolant channel, which can result in a blockage. An in-depth two-dimensional simulation of partial channel blockage can be carried out using FLUENT Code. In this study, a channel blockage simulation is employed to perform a safety analysis for the TRIGA-2000 reactor, which is converted using plate-type fuel. Heat generation on the fuel plate takes place along its axial axis. The modelling of the fuel-plate is in the form of a rectangular sub-channel with an inlet coolant temperature of 308 K with a low coolant velocity of 0.69 m/s. It is assumed that blockage is in a form of a thin plate, with the blockage area being assumed to be 60 %, 70 %, and 80 % at the sub-channel inlet flow. An unblocking condition is also compared with a steady-state calculation that has been done by COOLOD-N2 Code. The results show that a partial blockage has a significant impact on the coolant velocity. When the blockage of 80 % occurs, a maximum coolant temperature locally reaches 413 K. While the saturation temperature is 386 K. From the point of view of the safety aspect, the blockage simulation result for the TRIGA-2000 thermal-hydraulic core design using plate-type fuel shows that a nucleate boiling occurs, which from the safety aspect, could cause damage to the fuel plate.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sukmanto Dibyo, Wahid Luthfi, Surian Pinem, Ign Djoko Irianto, Veronica Indriati Sriwardhani
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2022-04-25
Published 2022-08-31