On generalized Heun equation with some mathematical properties


  • Nasser Saad University of Prince Edward Island, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 550 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada C1A 4P3.




Heun equation, confluent forms of Heun’s equation, polynomial solutions, sequences of orthogonal polynomials


We study the analytic solutions of the generalized Heun equation, (α0 + α1 r + α2 r2 + α3 r3) y′′ + (β0 + β1 r + β2 r2) y′ + (ε0 + ε1 r) y = 0, where |α3| + |β2|≠ 0, and {αi}3i=0, {βi}2i=0, {εi}1i=0 are real parameters. The existence conditions for the polynomial solutions are given. A simple procedure based on a recurrence relation is introduced to evaluate these polynomial solutions explicitly. For α0 = 0, α1≠ 0, we prove that the polynomial solutions of the corresponding differential equation are sources of finite sequences of orthogonal polynomials. Several mathematical properties, such as the recurrence relation, Christoffel-Darboux formulas and the norms of these polynomials, are discussed. We shall also show that they exhibit a factorization property that permits the construction of other infinite sequences of orthogonal polynomials.


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Analytic and Algebraic Methods in Physics

How to Cite

Saad, N. (2022). On generalized Heun equation with some mathematical properties. Acta Polytechnica, 62(1), 165-189. https://doi.org/10.14311/AP.2022.62.0165
Received 2021-09-09
Accepted 2021-11-26
Published 2022-02-28