Evaluation of residual strength of polymeric yarns subjected to previous impact loads
offshore mooring, ultra deep-water, impact loadAbstract
The discovery of oil fields in deep and ultra-deep waters provided an opportunity to evaluate the use of synthetic ropes, complementarily or alternatively to traditional steel-based mooring lines in offshore units, mainly because of the former’s lower specific weight. Considering the series of complex dynamic-mechanical mainly axial loads to which these structures may be subjected, originated from different sources, such as wind, water current, tide, etc., there may be cases when at least one of these lines may possibly face an abrupt, shock-like axial load of considerably larger magnitude. The goal of the present study is to evaluate the residual tensile strength of three different synthetic yarns (polyester, and two grades of high modulus polyethylene) after exposure to such axial impact loads. It was observed that, for the tested materials, polyester is the one with the largest impact resistance to the conditions evaluated herein, mainly because of its comparatively greater energy absorption properties.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Gabriela Hahn, Antônio Henrique Monteiro da Fonseca Thomé da Silva, Felipe Tempel Stumpf, Carlos Eduardo Marcos Guilherme
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2022-06-09
Published 2022-08-31