A note on entanglement classification for tripartite mixed states
bell inequalities, separability, principal basisAbstract
We study the classification of entanglement in tripartite systems by using Bell-type inequalities and principal basis. By using Bell unctions and the generalized three dimensional Pauli operators, we present a set of Bell inequalities which classifies the entanglement of triqutrit fully separable and bi-separable mixed states. By using the correlation tensors in the principal basis representation of density matrices, we obtain separability criteria for fully separable and bi-separable 2 ⊗ 2 ⊗ 3 quantum mixed states. Detailed example is given to illustrate our criteria in classifying the tripartite entanglement.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Hui Zhao, Yu-Qiu Liu, Zhi-Xi Wang, Shao-Ming Fei

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Accepted 2021-12-02
Published 2022-02-28