Measurement of solid particle emissions from oxy-fuel combustion of biomass in fluidized bed


  • Ondřej Červený Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technická 4, 166 07 Prague, Czech Republic
  • Pavel Vybíral Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technická 4, 166 07 Prague, Czech Republic
  • Jiří Hemerka Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technická 4, 166 07 Prague, Czech Republic
  • Luďek Mareš Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technická 4, 166 07 Prague, Czech Republic



oxy-fuel biomass combustion, solid particle emission, ejector dilutor, dilution ratio


The presented work summarizes the results of the measurement of solid particle emissions from an experimental 30 kW combustion unit. This unit has been used for the research of oxy-fuel combustion of biomass in a fluidized bed, which, when accompanied with carbon capture technologies, is one of the promising ways for decreasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. To implement a carbon capture system, it is first needed to separate various impurities from the flue gas. Therefore, the goal of this work was to identify solid particles contained in the flue gas.
Part of the apparatus used for this measurement was an ejector dilutor. To evaluate the results of this measurement, it is key to know the dilution ratio of the dilutor. For this purpose, a method for determining the dilution ratio of an ejector dilutor was proposed and experimentally verified.


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