Generalized three-body harmonic oscillator system: ground state
three-body system, exact-solvability, hidden algebra, integrabilityAbstract
In this work we report on a 3-body system in a d−dimensional space ℝd with a quadratic harmonic potential in the relative distances rij = |ri −rj| between particles. Our study considers unequal masses, different spring constants and it is defined in the three-dimensional (sub)space of solutions characterized (globally) by zero total angular momentum. This system is exactly-solvable with hidden algebra sℓ4(ℝ). It is shown that in some particular cases the system becomes maximally (minimally) superintegrable. We pay special attention to a physically relevant generalization of the model where eventually the integrability is lost. In particular, the ground state and the first excited state are determined within a perturbative framework.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Adrian M. Escobar-Ruiz, Fidel Montoya

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2022-01-06
Published 2022-02-28