How to understand the structure of beta functions in six-derivative Quantum Gravity?


  • Lesław Rachwał Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Departamento de Física–Instituto de Ciências Exatas, 33036-900, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil



Quantum Gravity, higher derivatives, beta functions, UV-finiteness, conformal symmetry


We extensively motivate the studies of higher-derivative gravities, and in particular we emphasize which new quantum features theories with six derivatives in their definitions possess. Next, we discuss the mathematical structure of the exact on the full quantum level beta functions obtained previously for three couplings in front of generally covariant terms with four derivatives (Weyl tensor squared, Ricci scalar squared and the Gauss-Bonnet scalar) in minimal six-derivative quantum gravity in d = 4 spacetime dimensions. The fundamental role here is played by the ratio x of the coupling in front of the term with Weyl tensors to the coupling in front of the term with Ricci scalars in the original action. We draw a relation between the polynomial dependence on x and the absence/presence of enhanced conformal symmetry and renormalizability in the models where formally x → +∞ in the case of four- and six-derivative theories respectively.


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Analytic and Algebraic Methods in Physics

How to Cite

Rachwał, L. (2022). How to understand the structure of beta functions in six-derivative Quantum Gravity?. Acta Polytechnica, 62(1), 118-156.
Received 2021-11-11
Accepted 2022-02-06
Published 2022-02-28