Recommended procedure for headroom design according to geometric parameters of building structures


  • Linda Veselá Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Construction Technology, Thákurova 7, 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic



headroom, geometric accuracy, limit deviation, geometric accuracy deviation


The system of Czech technical standards for geometric accuracy assumes that the designer determines the functional geometric parameters for a specific building. By calculation, he verifies them in the so-called “geometric plan” in the project documentation. The functional geometric parameters should be determined primarily for critical elements, i.e. for structures whose geometric accuracy is important for the execution of subsequent works, such as technologies requiring high precision and specific structures. The assumption is that designers will incorporate variations in geometric accuracy primarily in the development of the spatial parameters of the structures, which should ensure that the dimensional requirements for the completed structures will be met. One of these parameters is headroom. The design of headroom must respect the minimum height requirements prescribed by legislation, and where appropriate, by technical standards. At the same time, the design must respect the technological possibilities of the construction of individual structures – geometric deviations. To comply with the dimensional requirements for the completed structures, the geometric accuracy deviations should be determined in accordance with the requirements of the technical standards for the execution of the individual parts of the building structures and/or for their design. The aim of this article is to establish a calculation procedure for determining the safe design clearance so that the requirements of the legislation are met after implementation. The increase is determined based on a calculation procedure of the limiting geometric deviations that may affect the resulting headroom.


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