Exact solutions for time-dependent complex symmetric potential well
non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, time-dependent Hamiltonian, pseudo-invariant method, PT-symmetry, pseudo-HermiticityAbstract
Using the pseudo-invariant operator method, we investigate the model of a particle with a time-dependent mass in a complex time-dependent symmetric potential well V (x, t) = if (t) |x|. The problem is exactly solvable and the analytic expressions of the Schrödinger wavefunctions are given in terms of the Airy function. Indeed, with an appropriate choice of the time-dependent metric operators and the unitary transformations, for each region, the two corresponding pseudo-Hermitian invariants transform into a well-known time-independent Hermitian invariant which is the Hamiltonian of a particle confined in a symmetric linear potential well. The eigenfunctions of the last invariant are the Airy functions. Then, the phases obtained are real for both regions and the general solution to the problem is deduced.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Boubakeur Khantoul, Abdelhafid Bounames
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Accepted 2023-02-13
Published 2023-05-02